An unconventional dinner date...

Being sick all day makes you crave hot food doesn't it? Like oatmeal! But I didn't have oatmeal for dinner. Considering I was locked up inside all day, I missed out on my daily lunch/dinner dates with my friends at school. So I decided to get out of the house and drive just down the street to pick up some food and see some friends that I could talk to so I wouldn't get cabin fever. And what did I get? You guessed it...

Spicy crab roll. Yum. But I was missing someone to eat with since everyone else was still in the work, and school mode. So I shared with an unconventional date...

Who then proceeded to climb into the bag that I brought the sushi home with. Cutie huh? :)

Then for dessert I had some fresh strawberries with chocolate syrup.

After my dad came home he asked if I could run to 711 and get him what he called a "dietetic bar"....

But it was a really a kit kat bar. Aren't you on Jenny Craig dad?

But my dad and I did have a conversation about where he and my mom are considering taking the family for Spring Break....

YAY! Now if you knew what I was doing last semester you'd say, "Why the heck do you wanna go back???". So what was I doing...?

Yup. I did it. I lived in Orlando in housing owned by Disney World, and worked in Hollywood studios for spring semester. To be honest, I expected a lot out of the experience, and it really didn't deliver for me. Why? My job (or as Disney calls 'role'). It was labor intensive, crowded to the extreme, repetitive, mostly outside and I kept passing out and having to deal with incredibly rude guests. I wore uniforms (or costumes) like this...


oh and lets not forget this...

And I had to go through things like Traditions. Which was 6 hours of hearing how we as Disney Cast Member are pretty much needed to be Drones at work. Here's me and my roommates and neighbors about to go.

So overall, working for Disney World was NOT for me. I still have nightmares about some nightmarish shifts. Like ones that were 16 hours, guests with children with them calling me "a dumb bitch", or standing in 105 degree weather, passing out in front of thousands of people and being forced to go to a Disney health clinic and wait for 5 hours just to have them tell me that they wanted to reassign my role to one where I would just fold clothes in a stock room. Not my best job...

But what I did love was the full access to all of the Disney Parks and resorts...

That's me and a roommate at Typhoon lagoon. :)

I really can't wait for the possbility or returning to Disney World just to enjoy the parks. And Disney is the mecca of gluten free dining! I was too poor as a disney cast memeber to enjoy it the last time. PLEASE cross your fingers for me thatI get to go!!!

So have you ever been to Disney World? What was your favorite park? Ride? Hotel? Resturant? Character?


  1. One of my roommates from last year is in Disney right now doing the college program! I think she likes it, but I haven't been able to talk with her much. I myself have been to Disney World four times, most recently this past winter break, the week after Christmas. It was so fun! I liked being there when all the holiday decorations were up. My favorite park is Epcot and I LOOOVED Soarin', we rode it twice! I really like Rock 'n Roller Coaster too. My favorite hotel is the Polynesian <3 we stayed there back when I was in 8th grade. I liked having the monorail go through nearby.

    Also, to respond to your comment, I don't know if I ever even mentioned where I work! My job is at Victoria's Secret Pink. I get to wear sweats and jeans to work :) it's sooo nice not having a set uniform. My classes this quarter are microbiology, human nutrition, organic chemistry, and Italian renaissance art history... random elective, haha. And I'm actually in the online section of the nutrition course which should be interesting.

  2. I hear Disney has an INTENSE program for all their employees for what they dress like, how they speak, how they act, etc.

    I have heard of some people liking it but I guess it really depends on the person. Hope you have a much better time going back as a guest!

  3. Woahhh Disney! I've heard mixed reviews about the Disney shenanigans. I've been there once, and loved it - but haven't been in a while. I wanna go back, haha! Enjoy your evening girl!

  4. i once did a commercial for disneyworld - the greatest job of my life! but i've had a lot of friends who've worked at the parks - as waitresses, characters, etc. - and hear some stooooories.

  5. I guess you really let the cat out of the bag! Haha.

    That is an adorable picture!


Thank you so much for reading! You're comments mean a lot. I mean every single one :)